VBAC stands for "vaginal birth after cesarean" and refers to giving birth through the vagina after a woman has already had a cesarean section. VBAC is also known as TOLAC, a “trial of labor after cesarean.”
All birthing people have the legal right to make their own informed decision about how they want to give birth. To make that informed decision, it is essential to understand the benefits and harms of a repeat cesarean and VBAC. Research demonstrates that repeat cesareans may do more harm than good for low-risk mothers and babies. According to the International Cesarean Awareness Network, “VBAC is a safe alternative to a routine repeat cesarean. If you have a healthy pregnancy, have a low horizontal scar on the uterus and go into labor on your own at term (39th to 40th week gestation), you have about a 70-75% chance that you and your baby will have a safe normal birth.”
Visit the websites below for further education, support, and evidence-based research.