Bishop Score
In preparation for labor and delivery, the cervix begins to soften by thinning out and opening. Care providers use the Bishop score to predict how likely a full term pregnant mother will achieve a vaginal birth if induction is necessary. To develop an estimate, a care provider measures the qualities of the cervix and the position of the baby. Next, a number between 0-13 is provided. The higher the Bishop score, the higher the chance of having a successful induction. Alternately, the lower the Bishop score, the lower the chance of successful induction.
The Bishop score is just one of many indicators of the likelihood for a medical induction and how likely that induction is to succeed. If your care provider suggests induction of any kind, you have the right to inquire about your current Bishop score, the recommended induction(s) method, and the effectiveness and safety of such method(s).
Click the buttons below for evidence-based research via Childbirth Connection and an excellent article via Mama Natural.
I recommend checking out the handy Bishop Score Calculator app, too!