About Belly Binding


Bengkung belly binding is an ancient Malaysian tradition that helps support the physical healing process in the postpartum period. This technique uses a long strip of cloth to wrap the abdomen from the hips to the ribcage. Mothers are traditionally wrapped as soon after birth as possible, ideally on day five postpartum, and then worn for a 40 day period.

The wrap feels like a secure, firm hug around the womb.


BelliBind Services


I am a BelliBind specialist here in Los Angeles. BelliBind creates an in-home wrap and recovery experience, honoring the new mother’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. These sessions are so much more than the wrap itself—from abdominal rubs to relaxing meditations to a postpartum health screening—they truly embrace a holistic approach to postpartum recovery.

I am proud to work alongside a team of incredible women that so deeply care, nurture, and celebrate new parents!