L.A. Support
Looking for local support? Los Angeles is filled with incredible groups that suit an array of needs. Below are my recommendations.
La Leche League
“To help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.”
Bellies, Babies & Bosoms
Located in the heart of Montrose, this boutique is an incredible resource for prenatal, lactation, and postpartum support because they offer customized services according to the needs of motherhood. Not to mention, it is also my favorite stop to shop for adorable baby goodies!
Gracefull Birth
BREASTFEEding basics & breastfeeding support group
Hosted by Julie Matheney, IBCLC.
*I love learning more about the breast from Julie! You can visit her website here.
Del Mar Birth Center & The Family Room
BREASTFEEding basics & breastfeeding support group
Hosted by Jessica Claire, IBCLC.
*Jessica hosts a fantastic class at the Del Mar Birth Center and a support group at The Family Room, both on the East side of town. You can visit her website here.
“BreastfeedLA is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of infants and families through education, outreach, and advocacy to promote and support breastfeeding.”
*Be sure to check out their “Breastfeeding Advocacy 101 Toolkit” for information regarding key breastfeeding laws for working parents in California and breastfeeding in public.
Mother’s Milk Bank
DOnate & receive breastmilk
“The Mothers' Milk Bank of San Jose, operating since 1974, is a charter member of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA). Our standards of processing donated breast milk is the gold standard of operation for milk banking organizations. In 2017, The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) stated in their report ‘Donor Human Milk for the High-Risk Infant: Preparation, Safety, and Usage Options in the United States’ that: ‘(HMBANA) Donor milk banks represent a safe and effective approach to obtaining, pasteurizing, and dispensing human milk for use in NICUs and other settings.’”
Parental & Family Support
Baby Wearing LA
get comfortable carrying your baby
“We believe babies are designed to be carried. It is biologically normal and comes with many benefits. With the right information and tools, it can be a useful and mutually beneficial practice for caregivers and children. Carrier choice is personal, and all brands & styles fit differently.”
Image Credit: Original artist unknown.